Friday, October 12, 2018

The Big Walk—October 12, 2018

Today we caught the 502 bus a block from our place on Boavista Avenue out to Forte San Francisco Xavier on the Atlantic. Eden joined us and we walked along the Atlantic to the mouth of the Douro River and then along the river into Ribeira, the historic district of Porto. Stopped at the Ferreira Borges Market, now a gallery where photographs are exhibited, and had an ice tea and rest because we'd already walked six miles. 

We were all getting hungry, and since Eden hadn't been to Bom Sucesso (our favorite food court), we headed in that direction, stopping off at Clerigos Church so Eden could see just how spectacular its baroque interior is. Remember, Clerigos is the church where we attended the organ concert the day before. 

We made up for our last two lazy days, walking 10.7 miles overall today. But it didn't feel like it, because the ocean was rugged and the weather was cloudy and cool, a perfect day for walking and gawking.

Here are some pictures and videos of our walk along the Atlantic.

This at the breakwater at the mouth of the Douro River.



Marie and Eden at the end of the breakwater. The blustery
day made for dramatic pictures.

Homes along the Douro River that would have been, back
in the day, where fishermen and their families lived.

How about this skinnymini?

At Bom Sucesso I had a ham quiche and...

Marie had three different tapas; this one is salmon. By the
time I remembered to take a picture, we'd devoured most of
our linner. Guess the mileage made us too hungry.
We saw this guy walking around
inside, and so we talked to him, and
as we surmised, he walks around
with the hawk to scare off pigeons.

This is a Harris Hawk. He said
they are fast and smart. 

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