Monday, September 25, 2017

Porto and Road Trip

Sept. 24: And here are some pictures of parts of Porto we hadn't walked. You know, a Cathedral, street scenes, steep steps, street art and such.

Camino de Santiago pilgrims.

San Francisco Church.

San Francisco Church. Link provides more
pictures and additional information.

San Francisco Church was magnificent. The more we
looked the more we saw. Pictures aren't allowed; that's
why I provided the link to these.

Jesse Tree, carving. Link provides more information
and pictures if needed.

See pictures of the catacombs below.

You can see more pictures at site provided on picture or see
a brief explanation about the Dispatch House here.

Dispatch house, bones from catacombs.

This mural is a representation of the kindly
grandfather who welcomes us.

A view from a bridge (upper section of Ponte Luis I).

See red building below. Inside we enjoyed a photography exhibition.

Yes, it's as steep as it looks and there are even more steps to the top.
Race through Porto. Many runners carried maps.

Sept. 25: Last night we visited with our hosts Teresa and Miguel and he insisted we take his car and travel north to see Ponte de Lima (founded in 1125—see this General Information link) and Guimarares. I added links to both towns.

As always, it's the driving that's the real adventure!

The expansive gardens adjacent to the bridge
were refreshing. It's September 25th and about
78 (25 celcius) in Ponte de Lima.

Never get tired of looking down narrow medieval streets.

Ponte de Lima and St. Anthony, part of the Camino de Santiago.

Guimaraes is a UNESCO designated city.

You can only ogle so many medieval churches and houses. We
stopped inside this pasteleria for an espresso and macaroon
sweet that kept us going.

These macaroons were luscious, moist, dense, but like most
their pastries, not overly sweet.

Probably talking football. This park in the middle of town was
filled with retired men and women visiting and laughing.
The same park also served as a median for one of the main
roads running through Guimaraes. It also skirts the historic
medieval center.

We cracked up while walking across Ponte de Lima, because each of the lamp posts had speakers pumping out cheerful music or Andrea Bocelli even. I stood under a lamp post playing a Vienna Waltz. The scratchy parts you hear are from the speakers not my camera.

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