Saturday, June 3, 2023

Asnieres—Saturday, Last Full Day

 A Quiet Morning—Day 3

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We headed over to Landemaine for our usual cafe au last and croissant at 8AM and the difference between a Saturday and a work day is stark; crowds are not hustling up the stairs to the commuter trains. And when we came to the rail passageway from our side we were surprised by a pop up fish market. We're talking fresh fish too, because all of it smelled like the sea as we walked past. Once through the passageway, the streets were empty and the only activity was a team of street cleaners.

We'll spend today in the Asnieres/Coubevoie area poking around the adjoining neighborhoods. We have several parks we can enjoy and lots of cafes in case we feel the need for a coffee or lunch or just a place to sit and watch people. It's supposed to be 78F (23C) today so we don't feel the need to go downtown. Tonight we'll join Thomas and Claire at a restaurant ( they like on on Ile de la Jatte, the island park in the Seine. The girls are still celebrating the end of the school year with friends so it's just us grown ups tonight.

And at 1PM tomorrow we head to Charles de Gualle Airport and fly home.

The railway passage entrance from our side.

The Saturday fish market.

You could shoot a cannon through the
passageway on a Saturday morning.
Looking back to the train station passageway
from Landemaine, our favorite cafe.

Believe it or not, this is the same shot I took
yesterday of Asnieres village center, the one
packed with people and cars on a weekday.

Walked up to Asnieres Town Hall and there was a 
festival. Lots of families making the most of Saturday.

Cool walkway connecting our street to
the Quai along the Seine.
Just loved this door just a few buildings from us.

This would be a nice second home in Asnieres.

We had a lovely dinner with good conversation as always. Thomas and Claire walked us home before saying goodnight. Our connection with all the Heusse brothers and their families means so much to us and we look forward to many more visits with them in France and (hopefully) on Bainbridge Island.
We were having such a good time at dinner that we
all forgot to take pictures so I'm adding this one of Claire, 
Adele, Delphine, Thomas, and Marie from a month ago.

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