Friday, February 7, 2025

New Zealand—Workworth to Hamilton, February 6 & 7, 2025

Warkworth to Hamilton, February 6, 2025

Now that we've seen how comfortable the Intercity busses are we could have pushed our travel times beyond 3.5 hours, but we're also glad that we're taking a relaxed approach. This morning we walked the half mile to the Warkworth Transportation Hub (ie. Park-n-Ride) and enjoyed a one hour ride to Auckland where we caught our bus to Hamilton 30 minutes later. 90 minutes later we pulled into Hamilton and walked 10 minutes to Ibis, our hotel for two nights.The Intercity Bus system is run well. Our busses have been on time, are clean and comfortable and have free wifi.

After checking in we took a stroll along Victoria Street and found Mr. Pickles Bar and Eatery where we enjoyed linner (lunch&dinner). The restaurant overlooks Waikato River, the longest river in the country.

Hamilton developed as an agricultural service center, and on the drive to town, it is clear that farming and ranching are still important to the Waikato region. More recently, Hamilton's economy has diversified. Education and research and development play an important part in Hamilton's economy, as the city is home to approximately 40,000 post secondary students and 1,000 PhD-qualified scientists.

The 1/2 mile walk to the Warkworth Transportation Hub.

On the road to Hamilton.

Pretty countryside between Auckland and Hamilton.

Roasted beets on ricotta with olive oil.

Mural to our left.

Mural and riverside park on our right.

Post-linner walk along Waikato River Path.














Hamilton Gardens, 2/7/25

You can read about Hamilton Gardens here where all 28 gardens are described. This 130 acre collection of cultural gardens is one of Hamilton's most popular draws. We used their audio phones and glad we did, because it really brought each of the gardens to life, adding historical, botanical, as well cultural background narratives with sound effects.

We caught a taxi at our hotel at 10AM and were in the gardens by 10:30, happy to avoid the heat promised by 2PM. When we finished our self-guided tour at 1PM it was already 80F/26.6C. Anyway, here are some pictures of the Hamilton Gardens.

The gardens are intertwined, one leading to another.

Visitors start here where entry into various gardens begins.






This is a Maori bee hive.

This is not part of the sustainable garden; I just loved the color.


  1. Lovely gardens! I liked the temple of wisdom and the Māori influence in a few of them.
    Will you be traveling to South Island and the gorgeous fjords?

  2. The gardens of Hamilton look magnificent, and we missed them altogether. Throughout your travels so far, the meadows are not the emerald green I remember. Are they experiencing unusual drought? I greatly appreciate your photos.
