Tuesday, January 28, 2025

New Zealand—Auckland January 29, 2025

We're summit bound today.

Auckland, January 29, 2025

After breakfast I spent 45 minutes on the phone in our hotel's reception desk talking with a Consumer Cellular technician trying to figure out why our phones are not working here even though I made those arrangements prior to arriving. Long story short, our phones now work and we can make calls, send and receive texts, and use Maps if needed. Technology is a boon when it works, but when it doesn't it's a bugger.

Today we took a ferry to Rangitoto Island and climbed to the 700ft summit of its 600 year old sleeping giant. That's how the brochure refers to this extinct volcano. The island was used during WWII as a post for Americans, and at the summit of the volcano, A Fire Command Post directed gun crews on adjoining Motutaapu and Waiheke Islands and Whangaparaoa Pennisula to protect Auckland and ally vessels. Observers also kept an eye on enemy vessels, plotting their courses and speeds. This concrete bunker offers shade for tourists today.

The island has a fascinating biological and Maori history well worth a read here. It is a preserve today and protected. We had to check the bottom of our shoes prior to boarding the ferry to make sure we wouldn't contaminate the island with seeds, grasses, and mud from off island. Visitors can arrange to stay in small houses called "baches," legally questionable holiday homes built in the 20's & 30's. None of them have running water and those visiting for a day or overnight must carry in everything they need and leave no trace of their visit.

You'll see from the pictures that this is a volcanic island where the trail crosses lava fields, through scrub, and small trees. As I said, you can read about Rangitoto's biology from the link above and here. (again)

Breakfast room at Holiday Inn Express.

Holiday Inn Express offers gluten free breakfast items, too.

Sky Tower is 1,076' tall.

This is probably a racing boat; there's enough crew to make it so.

This ocean-going cargo ship moored opposite cruise ship.
Iconic Auckland view from the harbor.

The trail cuts through this lava flow.
Plants grow out of lava.

View half way up to the summit.

Really? My reward for the climb?

Auckland from the 750' summit.

The concrete Fire Command Post bunker.

Just loved the color of the grasses of Motutapu Island.

The steps down from summit.
The trail back down after the steps.

Just a reminder of the ruggedness of trail.

The volcano from the ferry with holiday house on beach.

Just another view of Rangitoto from the ferry.

The working harbor is adjacent to the tourist area.

Typical ferry that carries commuters and visitors to neighboring islands.


  1. I found the pictures from the Island Rangitoto. That was quite a trail, and you wouldn't want to trip down those stairs either!

  2. Bunker reminds me of those in Micronesia from WWII.
