Friday, November 2, 2018

More Walking Around Lisbon

We don't have anything we really want to do or see since deciding not to take a bus to Evora, so today we walked 5.4 miles, taking it easy strolling up and down Liberdade Avenue and the Biaxa/Chiado districts.

Poet and author Fernando Pessoa.
Known for quotable quotes such as,
"No intelligent idea can gain general
acceptance unless some stupidity is
mixed in with it."

Bertrand's is one of our favorite
bookstores, and this one in the
Chiado district is special.

While walking along Liberdade
Avenue these signs lined the way.
It  says on November 15th, a
national show of support to value
and advance the rights of workers.

Later in the afternoon, we had linner at Bairro do Avillez, one
of about eight of Avillez's restaurants. Amazing food! We
started with shaved Iberian ham.

This fish soup was smooth and rich
with a little bit of heat. Wowser!

Marie followed her soup with a roast beef salad.

And I had a quinoa and grilled veggie salad. The flavors of
both salads, the grilled vegetables, pickled squash, roasted
cherry tomatoes, and marinated red onions burst with flavor.
Here's some restaurant ambience.

They don't know it, but they're part
of the ambience. There's a story
about them I'll tell if you ask.

Never get tired of looking and
walking down narrow streets just
to see where we might end up.

In Lisbon, you're either walking
up or down a hill or stairs. And
if you live here you're doing both.

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